Monday, November 18, 2013

Melchizedek, Cadence, and Numbness

    Where do I start.
     Melchizedek, he's kind of one of those characters in the bible that is hard to understand.  He kind of shows up in Genesis 14 and then is gone, never to appear again.  So, for those of you who don't know him, I'm going to give you a super quick break down, for those of you who do, please correct me where I'm wrong so that I may better understand.
     First, lets talk about this guy named Abraham.  He was God's chosen one.  He was in charge of all of God's people and chosen to do that.  From him came the 12 tribes that made up the Israelite nation.  Anyway, one day he went a fought "Kedorlaomer and his allies" (Genesis 14:17) the king of Sodom and won.  He took everything from him that had value. Then while walking home he ran into Melchizedek.  Melchizedek blessed Abram, Abram gave him a tenth of all his goods that he recovered, and they went on their own ways.  Melchizedek was a Priest AND a King.  This was unheard of and not possible in the world at the time.  He was the only one to be a King and a Priest at the same time.  The important part to remember here, is this is what Jesus is.  A King and Priest.  The only other time we hear about this Mel guy is in Hebrews 7. Now I could go into great detail about the crazy prophecy that happens here, but I want to say something else.  From the beginning of time, in Genesis, there was a plan for Jesus.  Understanding the old testament is key to understanding the importance of Christ.  The one who came to be King and Priest overall.  "He lives forever to intercede with God on our (their)behalf" Hebrews 7:25.
    I do wonder why Melchizedek even existed or is in the bible?  The best way for me to understand is to think God was just showing off.  Certainly Abram didn't understand the significance of the guy who he just ran into, and clearly Jews missed this understanding need for Jesus.  God was just showing a glimpse of his plan.All Glory to God.

    The word means:
"a :  a rhythmic sequence or flow of sounds in language
 b :  the beat, time, or measure of rhythmical motion or activity" (
But I'm more into the Song.  Its by Anberlin, a christian rock group.  It's a song that I've known forever and never thought much about it, come to find out it is now a life goal.  Well, the song I mean.  You see the chorus of the song says this "The close I come to you, the closer I am to finding God."  This is actually amazing and beautiful.  When choosing a partner for life, make this your goal.  If our one purpose in life is to bring Glory to God, above all else, then, well, your partner should somehow compliment this.  Now, my dear friends, don't read too much into what I'm saying here, but I am thinking and praying a lot about this potential girl that I'm getting closer and closer to.  Already I can say, this line in the lyric rings true in our relationship.  Constantly her faith in Christ amazes me.  That's all I'm going to say about that.

Numbness, well this is certainly a deep topic and on a more depressing note then my other two random thoughts of the week.

It's too easy to be numb to the world around us, to check out, to ignore life, to cruise and not care.  Not caring and numbness often go together.  But isn't this just the truth?  So many times we drop into a numbness or not caring.  I've just come to notice it more in my own life over these last few months while being home.  It's easy to be numb and jump through the hoops.  Well, I've come to find for myself a few things that kick me out of this mood.   1) working out.  I know it seems simple, but it really can be that simple at times.  Being active does a lot for the body and the body does a lot for the brain and the brain the soul.  So try it.  2) reading my bible.  Obvious, but truth.  3) eating healthy 4) making a list 
Sitting in the presence of God is the real trick, shut off the TV or computer, put down your phone or iPad, try to just feel.  See what that is like.  Sometimes it hurts, I get anxious and want to do something.  Might I suggest playing some soft music in the background?  This Will Destroy You, or Explosions In The Sky are a couple good bands to start with.  Trust me, it will help you focus and break down walls in your brain.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Random Thoughts, I got Lots.

     I've had the chance to sit back for an afternoon, and it was amazing.  I forgot just how beautiful Colorado is, and for some reasons its when I'm driving alone that I see this beauty, and from this beauty, I see Christ.  Anyway, I got to watch Freedom Writers, have you ever seen this movie?  If not, seriously consider it because it was SSOOOOO good.  Especially if you work with students in any way, shape, or form, this was inspirational to say the least.  It made me take a look at my own life though, you know, there's this teacher who gives up anything and everything for this one class of kids.  She worked 3 jobs just to pay for books and extra activities outside of the classroom.  She no longer cared about the "job" that she had, but instead cared about the kids that she had the privilege of speaking into to their lives.  Now, the one thing that is quite sad is she went through a divorce through this process, but there is still a lot of lessons to be taken away from this lady.
     You see, I'm kind of in the same spot right now.  I mean, I very well could start applying to churches else where, but I just absolutely love the students I already have.  No longer is it about my job, but about these students.  And if it takes me working full time at Pizza Hut, so be it.  If I can help, I'm in.  That being said,  there is motivation for me to move on and find some kind of "career" in order to prepare myself in the next wave of life.

    To be honest, I'm nervous about seminary.  I'm sick of waiting to see if I'm even going to get in.  What will happen if I don't? That would blow apart what I thought the plan was.  And maybe that's the key word... "I".  I don't want to follow my plan, but God's.  So, if I don't get in, so be it, God has another plan.

    This morning I was listening to John Piper about Calvinism.  I, like most people my age, hated the idea of Calvinsim and the reformed theology of T.U.L.I.P.    But then you come to study it yourself, or see it in the bible, or read Romans again, and you start to realize, its not that crazy.  At the very core, the biggest problem I now have with true Arminianists (that is, freewill), is that we like it because we get to play God.  We get control.   I'm sorry, but I know, I do not have control, God does.   #simplebreakdown

    Something that I've been reminded of this week... D.T.S.   Die To Self.  Now the ironic part of it is, DTS is what I did in Aussie.  Discipleship training school, and it wasn't until a random student, from a different YWAM base said this to me while we were talking on a lawn at a church about volleyball.  That came to define my time there.  Constantly, I will Die To Self.  Who am I to be important?  Who am I to have rights? Who am I to be the center of attention? Who am I to think I deserve anything?  I will... Die To Self.  All Glory to God.

Again, these are just random thoughts.

Chained to Him,


P.S.  This is a portion of E-mails my grandma and I send.... I just thought they were too good, I had to share.  I took out some parts:

Hey Jer,  I just finished reading through your last blogs – your folks were here last night before taking Uncle Mark to the airport, and they told me that you were continuing to blog.  Good for you – I can see you are still growing, and also putting your past experiences together to realize what an influence your family, home and church have been in your life.  Not everybody realizes or even values the inheritance God has given them, and how it lays the basis for what they want to do  in their  life in the future.

I’m thankful that I’ve had a little part in your life, and you in mine.  Of all my eighteen grandchildren, you are the one I’ve spent the most time with, in some of the most critical decisions of your life.  That’s a privilege.  I hope we’ll be able to continue in some way, even now that your life is changing direction – seminary, a serious woman relationship and work.  Let’s try to carve out a little space once in a while for Grandma time.  I can’t believe how busy my life is.  

I’m praying about seminary and (girl).  My two such important decisions all at once.  But I think you’re ready for them!  Love you, Grandma Lutz

My blog:

Jeremy Robinson <>
1:13 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Lorry
Hi grandma.

  You know, here's something I've never really told anyone, and I its a little sad to say.  But when our dearest Grandpa passed away to hang out with Jesus, I remember sitting in the Chapel and God was speaking to me and I realized a few things.  First, that if I could ever be half the man he was, I would consider myself a man of God like Elijah the prophet is said to be in the old testament.  Second, I regretted not spending time with him. It's something that he said to Nathan or Mark when asked "do you have any regrets?"  Grandpa replied with, 'not really, but I would have spent more time with my family, and less under the hood of a car.'  I've always taken that to heart since then, its one of the reasons I value our relationship so much and constantly and pushing to make time for us to get together.  

So yes, is my answer, lets go (Get some Coffee).... When?