This week we actually started school! Do remember I'm doing DTS which stands for Discipleship Training SCHOOL. Yyyyeeeaaaa... I forgot about that whole school part. We got a workbook at the start of this week, and its LONG. There's a lot of parts to it. Each week I have to fill out work sheets that require you to read the bible, funny how that works. ;) And then there's a required Journal part. Which is funny. Some people say its really hard to do, but if you know me, you know I'm a pro at journaling. Having some direction in my journal might be a good idea and could be helpful. I'm pretty excited for it to be honest, and the only person that reads it is my 1on1...
I got my One on One a few days ago. This is basically a mentor that will meet with me pretty regularly for the next 6 months. It thought it was going to be really awkward at first because he's only 20... but honestly, this guy 'David' is one of the most honest, caring, God fearing, mature men I've known. One of the first things he said was "I just want to be your brother in Christ and I'm excited to learn from you and I'm sure you'll learn some things from me." Honestly, that changed my attitude instantly. Another cool part of it... Ronnie (my Bromance here) has the same mentor. ;)
Adventure is Just a Bonus.
I can't remember who said it, or when, or why, but its something that I have to follow. That being said, David told me "when you're making a decision ask yourself; What's going to make a better story?" This is something I'm going to hold on to also. It'll be so crazy the things we will get to do. Already we've had a few random adventures. Like last night, played basketball at a local gym, kind of like YMCA, against some locals. Met a guy who was in the NBA back in the 80's. (can't remember his name) but man, how cool is that! Or went to downtown Brisbane the other night and salsa danced in the middle of the street until about 1 am! Party!
I really had a hard time taking the teaching seriously at first, but its really just because of my American culture thinking. The speaker was teaching just on experience he's had with Christ, where I'm use to getting teaching from guys who have been to seminary or some professional studies.
Here are some things that I've been pondering over the past few days.
- Key to ministry is Capture People's Hearts
- God will often tell you to do something, but Without explanation
- "Do you want to be an expert in Maps and books? or do you want to be in the journey" - Gandalf, Lord Of The Rings
- When we mess up, What does the Lord do? ----- Makes us Breakfast. (John 21)

Jeremy Robinson
671 Samford RoadMitchelton 4053Australia
Went to the beach the other day. ;) duh I played Volleyball.