You really don't know what effect you make on someones life, until they have to tell you. For whatever reason it may be, it comes out at some point. This situation presented many of those people to come forward. I lost it. Multiple times. Kids, that I felt like I never even connected with other then the basic: "Hey man!" came up to me in tears, sad that I'm leaving, thanking me for what position I have played in their lives... I had no idea. Thank you. Thank you Lord for letting me play a role in students lives, I only hope it was honoring to you. And thank you students, you have given me a massive amount of encouragement, something that I'll never forget, and it only makes it harder to leave.
I could tell you many stories about how the last few days has played out with the kids, text messages I've gotten, notes, phone calls, hugs that seem to always be cut short, moments of silence, times of prayer, but there is one in particular that I want to mention, without using names. I've known this guy since he was a awkward 6th grader, all I did was come up to him, say hello, punch him a few times, and move on. Apparently that stuck. I took him home last night after group and we got to talk in my truck in front of his house. He said "I want to thank you, you got me to love Christ, I look up to you, and forever you will be my big brother..." Tears. All I could do was pray. Thank God for that moment and bless this young man that truly fears the Lord.
I can't say thank you enough to the people around me. I am truly so blessed. I Love you all. God is good. I am nothing, Christ is everything.
Now to packing.
In Him,
Feel free to comment.
I thanked God ever since you began playing a role in my life. You have been a mentor, but really a brother in Christ. The bond that we have, through Christ, is amazing and beautiful. I know that this bond won't be broken. I know it is the Lord's plan for you to be in Australia. I am glad to see you go. But I just want to thank you for bringing me to Jesus. I used to just go through the motions, but starting in Spring of last year, you came into my life. You changed me, making me on fire for Christ. I thank you and the Father. Prayers for safety throughout your trip.
My Brother. Keep strong in Christ as you are. You are a man of God, never lose that focus.
DeleteJeremy!!! Thank you so much for your stories and wisdom during junior high. Thanks for taking that picture with my small group, and thanks for texting me back after that special worship night when I had a hard time. Thanks for everything that you have done at junior high, and I look up to you for following The Lord to Australia!! I know I already thanked you at all group, but thank you!!! -Rachel g
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to have played a role in your life. Remember that following Jesus Christ is the only thing that matters. God Bless Rachel.
DeleteJeremy!!!! Thank you so so so much for everything. Since I've known you, Bryan, and everyone else, I've come so much closer to Christ, and I want to thank you for that. In the process, you've become one of my role models and like the brother I never had. I feel like I can tell you anything and it's really gonna suck when you're gone. At the same time, I'm so proud of you!! I'm so glad that you're going to Australia to follow God's plans for you. You're going to have such a great time! Prayers for safety and luck throughout your trip! Gonna miss ya!
ReplyDeleteWith Much Love,
Erika :)