Sunday, July 7, 2013

All I want is Faith

   Faith, true faith.  This brings everything.  When having true faith, you start to understand how God works.  You start to see things in a different light.  You start to notice things you never have before and realize just how big God is and how he has his hand in every little thing.  "Not a single sparrow will fall to the ground without the father knowing it." (Matt. 10:29)  You start to believe that God really is watching over you, and, not saying that Life is going to be easy, but the father truly wants what is best for you and for his Glory.  Faith brings so much more then I can even try to explain. "Faith Brings Joy" (Romans 5)
     I have a friend at home, and if you know me, you probably at least know of him.  His name is Matt.  He has a tattoo that I never really understood, it reads T.A.H (Things Are Happening).  Sure, he's explained it to me many times about how God was speaking to him over his outreach in Haiti, that even when he doesn't think he is doing much, just stepping out in faith, things will happen, even when we don't see it.  Things are always happening, God is always moving. This is something I had to force myself to remember and believe last week.
    We went to a small town called Mirik, its just down the hill from Darjeeling, but it takes about 3 hours to get there because of the roads here.  Everyone got car sick and wanted desperately for the road trip to end. When it finally did, we got to a church, not in the mood to meet anyone at all, but we were there to meet the team that was putting on a Youth Camp that week which we would be helping with.  I got excited.  One of my favorite weeks in the year is camp.  I end up doing at least two every summer and always have since I can remember.  I went as a camper and as soon as I could be a counselor, I did, then ended up taking a role over skits and preaching and tech and games, and doing everything I could to help because I loved camp so much and it was a place where I saw growth in my faith, even today.
     5:45am, Wednesday morning.  We walk down to the event hall, and I'm ready for a long day of crazy activities and games and deep talks with the students.  First is worship.  This lasted about an hour which was awesome, then lecture just like any camp ever.  I start to feel a little skeptical when I find out the topic is Fear The Lord, something we just learned about during DTS and a deep topic for students.  Lecture went on straight through lunch! A true college type lecture.  I figured after lunch the craziness would begin... I was wrong, more worship... more lecture! Then a break at 3:30, I come back at 6 thinking it would be a fun evening... I start the night out with a short devotional, where my main goal was to make the students laugh! Then, more lecture! and dinner at 8... then sleep at 9.   This same schedule went on the entire of the week.
          Come to the end of the week, I was disappointed, thinking "I hope kids don't go away thinking this is what the Christian life is, that there is true fun and adventure in Christ"  But its a wrong thought to have.  I look back and realize those kids sat there and didn't say a word every single day,  God was moving.  Even though we did nothing but sit in the back and read our bibles, (they didn't speak in english) somehow, I like to believe and have faith that God was moving, and even using us, to glorify his name.  That Things Are Happening, even when we don't see what good we might be doing by just being there for support.  All Glory to God. Please take my life and use it.
    It makes me appreciate the wonderful camps and programs at home, the ones that changed my life as a young student.  Just as I got back to the base I had messages waiting for me about how amazing SKSK was this year (This is the first time in 13 years I've missed it), and that the Liquid students are headed to California for Hume Lake/SD this week.  Students, realize just how amazing these times are.  They go by quickly, grab them, hold on to every memory you can.

Chained to him,

(Team Blog:

Drum set I briefly played. 

Ronnie giving a Devo. 

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