God does. He knows you.
From where I stand, I would say, its something that becomes more and more obvious the longer you have been a Christian, and here's why:
For some reason. Things tend to work out. Big or Small. They work out all for the better and glory of God. Now before I get any further, let me make myself very clear in saying, that doesn't mean life is easy, or that there aren't going to be hardships, there always will be. But God knows me. He knows what I can handle and how much, and when. These are two very big statements. Putting together the business of everyday life, and the ever important thing called timing which truly effects everything.
I truly wish I understood more of God's reasoning behind why he does certain things, but I'm coming to realize that there always is reason, sometimes, its just not for us to see.
As you know, I've started dating this beautiful girl. We have been open and honest from our very first conversation in how we view the world and what our intentions are for each other, as well as in trying to follow God's call. I look back to only two years ago today, things were so different. So much of how I view the world has changed. Life has gotten so much more complex, yet, so much more simple. I've come to live and learn and realize that nothing else matters, but bringing glory to God. So when I'm faced with a decision its simple, I just ask myself "Does this bring Glory to God?" I've come to find that the answer can almost always be yes, when I have the correct mindset.
From where I stand, I would say, its something that becomes more and more obvious the longer you have been a Christian, and here's why:
For some reason. Things tend to work out. Big or Small. They work out all for the better and glory of God. Now before I get any further, let me make myself very clear in saying, that doesn't mean life is easy, or that there aren't going to be hardships, there always will be. But God knows me. He knows what I can handle and how much, and when. These are two very big statements. Putting together the business of everyday life, and the ever important thing called timing which truly effects everything.
I truly wish I understood more of God's reasoning behind why he does certain things, but I'm coming to realize that there always is reason, sometimes, its just not for us to see.
As you know, I've started dating this beautiful girl. We have been open and honest from our very first conversation in how we view the world and what our intentions are for each other, as well as in trying to follow God's call. I look back to only two years ago today, things were so different. So much of how I view the world has changed. Life has gotten so much more complex, yet, so much more simple. I've come to live and learn and realize that nothing else matters, but bringing glory to God. So when I'm faced with a decision its simple, I just ask myself "Does this bring Glory to God?" I've come to find that the answer can almost always be yes, when I have the correct mindset.
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