Thursday, July 17, 2014

Why does God speak in questions?

Before I jump into the question at hand, let me make one thing clear. The Holy Spirit is alive and with us today and speaks to us in very real ways.

Through my Christian life, I have always grown up in the church. Seems like I was one of those kids who was at church just about every day of the week, being that both my parents worked in full-time ministry. I thought I knew the stories, and what it meant to follow Christ, but it wasn't until the summer of my 21st birthday that I experienced God in a very real way, and came to see how He speaks to us. That's a story for another time though, just know, that the Lord speaks to us today. It might look a little bit different for each person, as God is a creative God and will meet people where they are, but He speaks.

Now this comes back to my question, why does God speak in questions? I mean, in prayer, I'll often be praying about something very casually, and the Lord will throw a thought into my head that comes in a question form. Simple things like 'Did I say that?' or 'Why don't you follow me?' or 'Will you bring Glory to My name?'

So, I started to investigate a little bit by just talking to friends and fellow believers, and they often have the same response. So this again brings me back to... Why does God speak in questions? Have you ever noticed this? Is it possible that the Holy Spirit speaks to us in question?

Couple random theories.
Maybe its because we often already know the answer.
Maybe because He wants us to find the answer.
Maybe because its our conscious keeping us in check.
Maybe God doesn't want to give us all the answers.
Maybe He wants us to spot and think.
Maybe we have to ask him the right question.

This is what I land on, just about every time I think about it.

Ever seen that movie iRobot with Will Smith? He's a detective, and a Doctor commits suicide in order to get attention. Well, the Doctor sets up a hologram and the hologram calls specifically for Will Smith to come question him. As Smith is beginning to question the hologram, this is the answer he gets...

"My responses are limited, you must ask the right question."

Is it possible that God answers our questions and concerns with a question, simply because that is his limited response for us humans that have little understanding?

The movie goes on where Smith has to dig deeper and deeper in order to solve the "crime" each time all he can do is ask the right question and look for the answer himself.

So, to sum up, I would think the Lord response in questions simply so we seek after Him. Above all else.

1 comment:

  1. What does change you and your way of thinking more sustainable? (A question to start ;-) ) If I tell you some fact; or if I ask you some questions that will cause you to investigate in the matter and lead you to the same answers that I could just have told you?

    Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me - my heart and mind - and I'll learn (see: Benjamin Franklin)

    Always a pleasure to hear from you!
    Cheers, David Schork
