Wednesday, January 30, 2013

This Is Getting Real...

         Closer and closer the date is coming, 12 days actually, and I will depart.  Its a weird feeling, one that I've never actually experienced before.  I'll actually assume that most of you reading this understand this feeling better then I do.  You have probably moved once or twice in your life, I mean, I did once, when I was 10, but I was just like a little dog, following around my parents around, helpless.  Currently I just have a lot to be done.  Trying to figure out and anticipate what could happen or change over the next 6 months is a weird feeling. Its things we don't think about, like my Car, God made it very obvious and easy for someone who needs my car to borrow it! Amen! But, what about the registration? That will be due in July while I'm still gone... How will I pay for it and get the sticker to my car when I'm 8,000 miles away? Also making sure I haven't left anyone untouched.  For me, its simple really, I want to go around to the people that have supported me and the people I care about and just say 'I care about you, and I will miss you.'  I only hope that's enough...

      The truth is, I'm scared.  I'm scared about what its going to be like out there.  If people are going to like me, If I have the right gear, If I'm physically and emotionally up to the task, If I am going to be home sick, If I will miss the freedom I have of being able to just hop in my car and drive.  These are probably all normal fears for the average student first heading off into college, but I never really did this.  And its not like I'm going an Hour north to Fort Collins, or even a 3 hour plane ride to California, I'll be on the other side of the world with new people, new places, new... everything!

And then God said "There will be snow, and it will
be a gift to those who are in Colorado and love snow." :)
    I just want to get out there, I just want to go, I want these next 12 days to go by smoothly and quickly so that all of a sudden I'm standing in the middle of the Brisbane International Airport and trying to understand the locals as they speak with really cool accents.

   I have this really great man in my life, Bryan Smith, he's been a spiritual leader, a counselor, a mentor, and a friend over the past 3 years and he said to me "Its us here who are going to suffer, you'll be out there doing amazing things while we here are all of a sudden missing something out of our normal lives."  It took me a while to realize what he really said, and it wasn't till I was alone that I realized just how true and deep and beautiful that was. So here's to you Bryan, for always keeping a level mind and seeing things the way I just can't see them.  On that note, I'd love to make the next few days about You guys.  Please, tell me how you are.  That's probably what I'll miss the most anyway. I have amazing friends and community here, its hard to leave it.

Last thing; I loved hearing back from some of you who read this.  Please continue to give me comments or feedback.  If you can't comment on this page, E-mail is fine too.

In Brotherly Love,

Monday, January 28, 2013

A simple paper and pen can change your life.

First Time Bloggin'...

And I'll tell you what, I'm probably not very good at it, that being said, I've been journal-ing for years now.  You'll find out quickly that I don't know how to spell, I don't use proper grammar  and I often make typo's and won't return to them to fix the problem, even when that scary little red wavy line is under the word.  But, I started at an early age Journaling, and now people actually look to me for it, which is pretty cool.  In middle school, I had this teacher, named Mrs. Loomis.  She made us 'free-write' on a regular basis, at that age I didn't quite understand what it meant but I think it still worked.  I would write about problems, or friends, or happy moments and I can honestly say that it changed my life, because now, if I go more then a week without journaling, I'm angry and ticked off, and anxious.  So thank you, Mrs. Loomis, for doing something in my life that ending up being so good.
This is where I will stop for today, I can't imagine anyone is actually going to be reading these entries, but I thought I would start off with something simple, mostly so that I can get my formatting simple, well, that is, if I can figure out how to format.
Hopefully I can use this as a type of journal, but more then anything else, I want to encourage others through the things I say and post.  I always tell my students, "I'm an open book, I'll read you my journal if you'd like."  There has been a few times where students actually sit down with me and I just read to them about my life.  I don't understand the significance in it, but if it helps them to grow in Christ, then so be it.
On that note, Signing off.