Thursday, December 11, 2014

"If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy I could have won"

"Itis at the sunrise that I feel the presence of God. That I am overwhelmed by his presence."


With the proper motivation, I believe I can do everything. We can do anything.

But motivation isn't so easily to come, especially when you start to tack on all the stresses of daily life.

The strangest things can bring motivation too. The undeniable desire to succeed. The love of money. The hope for the better of others. Creating the best life for our next generation. The need to prove something. A stubborn desire to complete.

These burn out.

We, as Christ followers, have the biggest motivating factor, a desperation.

The urgency to share the gospel to every living being before its too late.

If you're like me, most days this is just a pretty sentence with a good goal. According to my recent learnings, we could label this a BHAG. (Big Hair Audacious Goal). Something simple and understandable. It hits you in the gut and keeps you up at night. Its easy to get on board with. We must share the gospel in new, exciting, and relevant ways.

Yet many days I struggle the most. I lack the motivation. I lack discipline. I give into discouragement. I give into hopelessness.

If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy I could have won.

We have the biggest enemy. Sometimes, I just need to be reminded about "who the real enemy is" as quoted from Mocking Jay.
Who we are fighting against, and who we are fighting for.

This reminder forces me to remember that it is for Christ, and Christ alone. Let us join together in the fight.

Monday, October 27, 2014

When it hits you. An introduction to the Introverted perspective.

"Hey when's the wedding again?*

Ugh. Why are you asking me questions? To many questions. It doesn't even matter who its from. It can be about anything. 

My computer tells me of yet another text message, and of course, yet another questions. 
"How was the trip? Glad to see you're home safe"

Questions. Again. More questions. Its like these people care about me, and I have clearly shown in some way that I care about them. 

But not today. Today, it hit me. 

Now don't read what I'm writing in the wrong way. Especially for you Extroverted type people, this will be difficult for you to understand. Its not that I'm a jerk, I love the people around me, I love being with them, serving them, talking to them, praying with them and for them, and continue to do so. But gosh dang, ask anyone who is truly an introvert. Sometimes, we must be alone. We must be silent.

I mean really, who could that be.

I hear someone approaching, coming to my domain, coming into my sacred space, a place I have created to be alone just the way I like it. With a small dish of candy, a book by Dr. Drew Pinsky with the lights on just enough that I can make out the words, the window open to be able to smell fall, and background music from Explosions in the Sky playing through Pandora. 
Who would want to come into this area? Why would anyone be here? 


Its my sister, who is in a transition moving to a new place, staying here for a couple of days. She means no harm at all, but in the introvert mind, this is screaming pain. 
I quickly react; 

'you're too extroverted for me, this is introvert hour.' 

I'm sure this is taken as a rude mark, but even speaking words to another human is like trying to push a old, heavy, broken down car up a hill by yourself. The advantage I have is that I know my weakness, which is very typical of an introvert, being aware of their own flaws. 

'Can't I just sit here quietly?'

'No, that annoys me.'

This is something that doesn't make sense. Even as I write it now. She's my sister, someone I love, but my introverted mind has gone too far and now become a selfish devil. We all have internal battles, the introverts battle often comes out in ways that we can't even understand. 

She leaves. I breath a sigh of relief knowing that I still have a few hours to myself. 

As most of you know, I studied Psychology for my undergrad. I completely understand personality theories and took an interest in this subject, especially to try and crack my own code. I use to often think I was the only one feeling this way, but once you begin to see the differences in personality, it becomes increasingly obvious that this is an introverted way. 

For some, this kind of feeling comes often (I'll explain the specific 'feeling' later). For others, like myself, it might be once a semester, or once a year. Most, like myself, have learned how to cope and recharge without disturbing others. You might never even know who is an introvert. For example, most people that know me truly think I'm an extrovert and are surprised to see that I am indeed an introvert because I have learned what I need to do to keep a charge (I'll explain that too).

But there are times, like today, that it hits me. 

Back to the feeling side. Do you remember having to write papers in school? Specifically those hard research papers that would take hours to do? And, especially in high school, you would wait until the day before to do it? Well, its the feeling leading up to that moment of opening up Microsoft Word and typing in the first sentence.
 Not knowing how to start the paper, or where to get research from, or what the introductory sentence is going to be in order to capture an audience. 
That feeling is the best way I can describe what happens to us introverts. Social interaction becomes a task, but only when we aren't charged.

Charged? Yes a confusing word to use when we're talking about personality theory. Remember Wall-e the little robot Disney made a few years ago? He would pick up trash all day long and be happy as could be while making 'robot nosies' and dancing to Put On Your Sunday Clothes from Hello, Dolly! Well, as soon as he ran out of battery he would have to unfold his little solar charger and recharge. This is exactly what Introverts do. Most will never lose battery charge as they know how to keep going. But if they ever hit 0%, its like an iPhone, it takes a while to charge up when completely dead.

So, what's the best thing you can do for your introverted friends? Well, most of them will tell you when they need an hour to themselves, and though it may come off harsh, try not to be offended. 

Last thing, and let me make this perfectly clear, Introverts DO NOT hate people, or dislike them in anyway. They simply recharge by being alone. 

God made people different, there is no doubt about it. I don't really know why sometimes, but, I think on my next post, I'll explain some of the great qualities introverts have.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Seminary Hurts

I really doubt I'll publish this, but, maybe I will.  Just speaking my mind today.

Seminary Hurts.

Chuck Swindoll said this last week at chapel: "Satan hates Seminary students the most. They are under the highest amount of attack."

Its true. Its probably suppose to. Its a Masters program, or even, an M.Div program that is designed to train up leaders in the church, specifically for pastoral role. What a beautiful opportunity it is! I never want to down play this opportunity that the Lord has given me, but my goodness, Seminary Hurts.

This is only my second semester there, but, I have been finding it harder to lead people to the Lord. It's become harder for me to prepare a sermon, and to prep for a small group, and to talk about who Jesus is. Maybe its suppose to be.

You know, I just go back and think about the characters we find in the Bible. We often talk about how the disciples were the 'rejects', and don't get me wrong, they were by the standard of the day. Even so, they knew the word. They knew the word. Well.

Seminary has already absolutely changed my view of who God is, I'm sure it will a couple of times during my time here. This is a beautiful thing, but my goodness, it sure seems like we lose focus of the very basics of the Gospel. Of what Jesus Christ did for everyone.

Even writing a blog, which is something that I use to greatly enjoy, is harder. I'm constantly double checking myself and thinking about the theology that I'm publishing with what words I use and how I'm coming off. Is it right to make the claims I make? Is it right to state my opinion? Is it right to say something as bold as 'seminary hurts'? Are people going to be offended by this?

What I must constantly remind myself is, bring Glory to God. This is the life goal. This is our call. Bring Glory to God. Glorify His name above all else.

I'm starting to think that this is why I am taking a slower track in Seminary, because for me, its such a spiritual journey, not just a place to get the right answers to later give the right answers. So yes, Seminary Hurts, but I think it should. I want to give everything I have, and everything I am, in order to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ in the best way possible.

When you're dealing with the most important thing in the world, that is, people's salvation, it must be taken seriously.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How God speaks to us today. Part 2

Last time I wrote about how God seems to speak in questions. I got a few responses and even a couple phone calls about this both confirming an denying this form of communication, but God moves in crazy ways and spoke to me in a new way just days after posting.

God has a sense of humor.

There is no doubt about it.

Heck, maybe He is even sarcastic at times.

He speaks to everyone, all the time. If you've ever been told differently, hear me now, God is alive and speaks to us today in very real ways.

I have Pandora. I know I know "but you can't choose the song you want to listen to like Spotify!"
Well, I wasn't concerned about that and its only $34 a year instead of $10 a month, and I use it all day everyday. Worth every penny.

So I was stuck in a season of unknown. I'm sure most of you know what that's like.
Not knowing the future.
Not knowing the plan.
Not knowing what to read in His word.
Not knowing where to go from here.
Not knowing where God is.
Not knowing how to grow my ministry.

So I was sitting in my office one early morning before a Youth event with the "Bethel" worship station playing on my computer just as the sun was showing its warm face. I listen to this station the most, and it has always been worship from Bethel, with some Hillsong thrown in and every once in a while you get a treat of Kari Jobe.
I was praying for the upcoming day asking God what I can do in order to bring Glory to his name while taking 40+ students to a local water park in order to go down slides and spend a day in the sun. Randomly an old Goo Goo Dolls song came on. This has never happened before as its not a Christian band, so I quickly went to "Thumbs down" it so it wouldn't come on again, until I got a little flutter in my spirit, a little tap to my foot, and decided to quickly search for the lyrics on Google.

I truly believe God spoke to me through this song. In the most simple of ways. It wasn't the entire song, as its really quite a depressing jingle, but the song ends with "And I just want you to know who I am" over and over.

Isn't this the truth. God, our Father, our Creator, the Great I Am has a simple request, and I felt him with me whispering through John Rzeznik (lead singer): 'Son, I just want you to know who I am'.

If we truly know Him, we truly know His heart. If we truly know His heart, the "unknown" and "not knowing" disappears. Even when we don't know whats next, for we know that God is good, all the time, so I don't need to know.

Its Ironic really, whenever I lead Youth Events or Camps or Retreats I only make 1 run: No future questions. I proceed to tell the kids this same speech that I've given a hundred times now; "Don't worry about what is coming up next, or when you get to eat, or when you get to sleep, or how much time is left. Let us (the leaders) worry about those things, you just enjoy where you are now. Be engaged with what is going on now instead of what happens next."

If we know God, we would get that same speech and same sense of peace.

Its simple really God just wants us to know Him, and not worry about the unknown. 

Chained to him,

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Why does God speak in questions?

Before I jump into the question at hand, let me make one thing clear. The Holy Spirit is alive and with us today and speaks to us in very real ways.

Through my Christian life, I have always grown up in the church. Seems like I was one of those kids who was at church just about every day of the week, being that both my parents worked in full-time ministry. I thought I knew the stories, and what it meant to follow Christ, but it wasn't until the summer of my 21st birthday that I experienced God in a very real way, and came to see how He speaks to us. That's a story for another time though, just know, that the Lord speaks to us today. It might look a little bit different for each person, as God is a creative God and will meet people where they are, but He speaks.

Now this comes back to my question, why does God speak in questions? I mean, in prayer, I'll often be praying about something very casually, and the Lord will throw a thought into my head that comes in a question form. Simple things like 'Did I say that?' or 'Why don't you follow me?' or 'Will you bring Glory to My name?'

So, I started to investigate a little bit by just talking to friends and fellow believers, and they often have the same response. So this again brings me back to... Why does God speak in questions? Have you ever noticed this? Is it possible that the Holy Spirit speaks to us in question?

Couple random theories.
Maybe its because we often already know the answer.
Maybe because He wants us to find the answer.
Maybe because its our conscious keeping us in check.
Maybe God doesn't want to give us all the answers.
Maybe He wants us to spot and think.
Maybe we have to ask him the right question.

This is what I land on, just about every time I think about it.

Ever seen that movie iRobot with Will Smith? He's a detective, and a Doctor commits suicide in order to get attention. Well, the Doctor sets up a hologram and the hologram calls specifically for Will Smith to come question him. As Smith is beginning to question the hologram, this is the answer he gets...

"My responses are limited, you must ask the right question."

Is it possible that God answers our questions and concerns with a question, simply because that is his limited response for us humans that have little understanding?

The movie goes on where Smith has to dig deeper and deeper in order to solve the "crime" each time all he can do is ask the right question and look for the answer himself.

So, to sum up, I would think the Lord response in questions simply so we seek after Him. Above all else.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

We shall go to the gates of Hell.

What's your number one goal in life? Do you have one? Or like a phrase or sentence that you live by? This is probably not something we all think about often, but if you had to break it down, could you put into one sentence your ultimate goal in life?
I've heard things like; 'To have the most fun', or 'to enjoy every moment', or 'try everything once'. We know, these aren't good enough to use as a life goal, but often its a good starting point.

Let me tell you mine, "To proclaim the name of Jesus Christ in everything I say and do, even when its awkward or hard."
Now, this might seem like a slightly immature sentence, and it really is, mostly because this is something that has been on my heart since High School (which is why I needed to have the "awkward" part in there), but its a nice reminder to be able to look back on daily.

Well, all that to say, if my goal is to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ above all else, it stands to reason that I should want to bring glory and honor to his name and make His name known. That's the key today that I'm realizing, make His name known.

We, as Christ followers, need to go after people. After their hearts, and souls, and minds. Look an essential part of being a Christian is to constantly care for and love God's people. So, together, We shall go down into the gates of Hell in order to save a lost soul who needs to hear about Jesus, will you join me?

My best bud Matt and I use to talk about these things a lot a few years back. I remember just turning 21 and sitting in my Jeep at a park late at night with him (sounds like a awkward first date), and we came up with the metaphor used from the movie 300.

If you remember, in that movie, its a group of 300 well trained men who go against thousands and thousands in the Persian army. Each soldier was required to be able to hold a heavy shield in such a way that if would cover the left half of their own body, but also, the right half of the person next to you. This was how they were able to be so strong. The shield wasn't simply used to save themselves, but the person next to them. The shield wasn't a selfish piece of equipment, but used to help a fellow brother.

Will you come on this journey with me? As we head into spiritual warfare, can we stand together and protect each other? Let us stand together in order to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ in everything we say and do, no matter if it is awkward or hard.


Monday, June 2, 2014

Habakkuk 1:5

*Denver Chalk Art Festival. 
I Love this because it shows that something plain and boring, like cement, can turn into something beautiful. *

When was the last time you even opened your bible to this little book?  I mean, it barely fills out 3 pages in my bible, and is only 3 chapters long, but this is where the Lord guided me just last week.

He's a prophet, we call him one of the minor prophets, and he is begging and pleading with the Lord to convict and condemn the wicked because he feels as though God is not just and that God is ignoring him.
Stop right there.  Have you ever felt this? That God was ignoring you? I know I have, countless times.
So after Habakkuk's first complaint, this is what the Lord says in response;

"Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you about it." (NLT)

Well, we know how the story goes with the rise of Babylon who takes over the Israelites. Which isn't anything like Habakkuk was expecting, but theres a huge lesson here that we can learn from.

First and foremost, even in moments that we think God is silent or not with us, we must remember that He is here and He is moving in a way that will glorify and protect His name. God hears your cries and responds to them; which is where I learned my second lesson:

Is it possible that A) God is talking in a way that I don't understand, or see, so I miss it entirely? and B) Does God constantly surprise you with what his plans are?

You see, I've been there. Many times actually, crying out to the Lord, yelling at him, asking, begging, "Lord, where are you?!" He showed himself to me in such a way that I wouldn't have believed was possible, even if someone told me. The Lord spoke in such a loud an audible voice and said: "I've been here the whole time, you just haven't been listening."

Isn't this just the truth sometimes? Maybe because we are looking for a specific answer to a specific question, or maybe because we don't slow down enough to recognize how the Lord is speaking to us, but truth be told, He is moving in ways that I wouldn't believe, even if someone told me.

This time last year (2013) I was in India for my YWAM Outreach. If someone had told me that in a year I would be where I am now (Grad school at Denver Seminary, serious girlfriend who just moved to be closer to me, Job in Youth Ministry, Morning person, etc.) I wouldn't even believe it.  The Lord had a plan this whole time, and I'm just now seeing it revealed.

All this to say, if you are sitting at a computer, or on an iPhone, or iPad, or something else that connected you to this blog, and you are wondering about big life questions, just know, that God has a huge plan in your life, or your community, or in your church, or in your job, whatever it might be. If you trust in him, He will do amazing things, so crazy and so big, you wouldn't even believe it was possible if someone told you. Much like Habakkuk, it might not be what you think, or what you see as positive, but I can guarantee one thing, it is for His glory.

Chained to him,

Friday, May 9, 2014

Being a 20-something is hard, here's what I'm learning.

I mean really, most of us didn't actually listen to our parents, or our school counselors, or our mentors, or people who are smarter then you and I. So now we come to this place, am maybe you can relate to where I have been over the last year or so.

I'll avoid using the trendy saying "the real-world" because guess what, we've been in the "real-world" since birth, it just begins to look different and responsibilities start to kick in. The world is just as real now as it was while I was obtaining my undergrad. I mean, I could continue to just work at the local Pizza Hut and squeeze by financially, some of me wants to do this because it is probably one of the best mission fields I have ever been on. So, the few of you reading this that are doing something like that, be encouraged, your job might seem useless and unsatisfying, but you are in the best opportunity to show Christ.  But now the question is, what do I want to do with my life, and how do I want to do it?

Well, obviously the easy answer is the one that I have given many times and will continue to spit out in small talk and locker room chit-chat: "Follow God's call and bring Glory to His name."

What does that really mean? Does it mean we ALL should be in full-time ministry? Well that one is easy to answer, no.  Heck no.  Full-time ministry is hard, and demanding, and if you don't truly have a call for it, you will quit after only a few short years. 50% of MDiv graduates leave full-time ministry in the first 5 years. Remember, these are guys who are specifically studying to be in a church setting, and trust me, it is no easy task.

Instead, I keep being hit by an older worship song that we use to play in my Youth Group all the time. Come Away by Jesus Culture.

You see, once we let go and let God, well, "Its gonna be wild, its gonna be great, and its gonna be full of Him." I'm not really sure what the next 5 years are going to look like, I have a general idea, but I fully understand that things can change in only a few short weeks. I will not live my life in fear. A mentor of mine once said; "Often we sit and wait for the Lord, and though that is good, what exactly are you waiting for? Just do something and do it with every ounce of passion you have."

Well said Audrey, well said.

Once again, random rant of the Day and/or things that the Lord is teaching me. I only hope what I say can encourage you in some way.


Friday, April 11, 2014

Denominational Differences: Are they THAT terrible?

It's rather confusing, and I don't pretend to know it all, but here's some thoughts that might help, things that I've been dealing with over the last year or so.

 Any time this topic is brought up I usually hear 1 of two things. 1) People often point fingers saying, "We are right, they are wrong," especially when it comes to worship by music.  or 2) "Denominations don't matter and only create separation in the Body of Christ"

My response:
1)"We are right, they are wrong."
    For the most part, this is a terrible thought to have.  Just because one church decides to do thing differently such as, worship or communion or baptism, does not mean their wrong.  Lets get one thing straight here my friends.  Jesus is the only way to the Father (John 14:6), if a church believes this to their core, great! Then we are all apart of the same Body of Christ.  So, lets stop pointing fingers and start to recognize each other as brother and sister.

2) "Denominations don't matter and only create separation in the Body of Christ"
     Okay, so, there is a little more validity to this point, but if we can see past the first point I brought up, then denominations can be good and serve a purpose.  Something that I've noticed in my personal walk is that the Lord speaks to all of us in different ways.  That's the beauty of the Holy Spirit.  He knows that we are all wired differently and need to meet Jesus in a different way.  For example, during YWAM one of my teachers always had the lights off and made the room very dark, when someone asked him why, he said that God met him in the dark like the Israelites in the Tabernacle (this was a tent they carried around that would 'hold' the presence of God).  Some people like loud music, to make a joyful noise (Psalms 98:4), while others prefer traditional styles of worship that date back to the early church reciting prayers together. One is not better than the other, just a different style.

Now there is, of course, a lot of differences in Theology, but that's a study for another day. :)

    So do not be so afraid of the difference in denominations, just know, that we are all here for the Glory of the Lord and to further his Kingdom.  To be honest, I have grown so much in my faith jumping into different styles of worship and being part of different churches.  God is so much bigger then the box I continue to put him in.  If you've never been to a different type of church, consider trying it out, you might just like it.

Chained to him,

Monday, March 17, 2014

"You Know Me"

     God does.  He knows you.
     From where I stand, I would say, its something that becomes more and more obvious the longer you have been a Christian, and here's why:
         For some reason.  Things tend to work out.  Big or Small.  They work out all for the better and glory of God.  Now before I get any further, let me make myself very clear in saying, that doesn't mean life is easy, or that there aren't going to be hardships, there always will be.  But God knows me.  He knows what I can handle and how much, and when.  These are two very big statements.  Putting together the business of everyday life, and the ever important thing called timing which truly effects everything.

I truly wish I understood more of God's reasoning behind why he does certain things, but I'm coming to realize that there always is reason, sometimes, its just not for us to see.
As you know, I've started dating this beautiful girl.  We have been open and honest from our very first conversation in how we view the world and what our intentions are for each other, as well as in trying to follow God's call.  I look back to only two years ago today, things were so different. So much of how I view the world has changed.  Life has gotten so much more complex, yet, so much more simple.  I've come to live and learn and realize that nothing else matters, but bringing glory to God.  So when I'm faced with a decision its simple, I just ask myself  "Does this bring Glory to God?"  I've come to find that the answer can almost always be yes, when I have the correct mindset.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How He Loves

     Its a song.  That you all have heard before I'm sure.  And by itself, its a beautiful song that can open your heart to just How much the Lord loves us, loves you, loves everyone around.  A concept that always seems so simple, but gets deeper and deeper the longer you follow Christ.

    Anyway, I was sitting in my office today at Faith Lutheran Church, just getting ready for the next few weeks with the youth group, going over lessons and what not.  This song came on Pandora, and I was reminded of the origins of this song.   I you don't know it, take 5 minutes to listen to this video.  Trust me, its worth it...

   The Holy Spirit hit me.  In a big way.  I say the Holy Spirit did, because I'm much too selfish to have these thoughts on my own:   I started crying in my office like a weirdo, I mean, I've only been here 2 weeks, and already I'm having a break down in my office!  But God moves, I'm there, I'm ready.  I am praying that same prayer, "God, I would give my life today if it would shake the youth of the nation."  I want to stand up and proclaim that.  I've always been called to youth and wanted to help them, but its such a different process to say, I give my life today if it would shake the youth of the nation.

   Just like John says though, don't let it be my song, don't let it be about me, some how some way, All Glory To God.   I will start with the 12 kids I have here, how easily can we spread a revival with 12 kids that are on fire for Christ.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I don't know much...

Do you ever feel like your best just isn't good enough? Well I know I have.  Many times. Especially in school, I have never been good at school.  Or in relationships, that comes up all too often. Or maybe while playing Call Of Duty (a first person shooter), I can never seem to win on that 'life wasting' game.    But I've come to realize, it's all on the perception that will define what "good enough" is. 

Who was it that said, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." I believe our good buddy Albby Einstein.  I've learned a lot of things in 2013, and this one has just come up many times.  I'm never going to be the next Hank Manning, or LeBron Sackic, but if someone wants their car fixed, give me a shout.  Or if someone's needs to talk about their life, I can drink a warm cup of coffee and 'listen' realllllllly well. Remember this in 2013...

And on that topic, another thing I've come too see is just how important communication is.  I'm actually a comm minor, so as far as being able to communicate, I know HOW to do it, but actually doing it is  a whole 'nother story.  I often have the attention span of a gold fish and explain things about as well as a parrot who only knows 8 words. But when it comes down to it, especially in interpersonal communication, I find myself being more and more open and honest.  Not trying to get my opinion out, or have a 'schedule', or showing off what I know, but be open and honest in everything.  I have come to find that it's amazing how many disputes can be fixed, or even avoided completely, by clear communication. 

My last thought: perception is reality.  
Look if I think something to be true, then it's true.  Even if it's not. This is especially the case for those who don't understand the importance of communication.  More then anything else, this has made me more aware of body language. Which in turn, makes me more aware of my own body language.   What signals are you sending out?  
How do you sit? 
How do you stand? 
How do you walk? 
Where do you look?
Do you cross your arms? 
Are you engaged in whatever activity? 
 It's amazing how far a smile can go. 

Till next time, 


     Bringin in the New Year