Thursday, March 19, 2015

5 Things I Regret Making Fun of Newlyweds For

1. Going to Bed Early
         I never thought I would understand the need to go to sleep before 11 o'clock, let alone 9 o'clock! But, as I've now been married for a little over 2 months, I start seeing myself going to sleep at the 9:00pm hour! What a weird-o!

2. Never Leaving Home
        I think the biggest reason, for me at least, is that I no longer have to feel like I have to  'do something awesome' every night. Like beating a level on Call Of Duty, or seeing as many friends as I can, or accomplishing some unknown task. No longer do I need to fill this void of presenting myself as 'cool.' Instead, the only place I want to be on a typical night, is with my wife. Curling up in a nice warm bed.

3. Rarely Being Alone

The "other person" is always there. Now that I'm in this same boat. It's Awesome.

4. Being Back Before S/He Gets Off Work
Who doesn't want to come home to a clean apartment with candles and something fresh cooked. I try, as often as I can, to setup the same thing for my wife just as she does for me.

5. Gaining A Couple Pounds
  "Couples who have been married for two years or longer are more likely to gain weight than their single counterparts..." Straight from (Here). I'm quickly falling into this fact.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Titanic! The Desire For Desperation.

               Like most of you, I don't dream.

                    Well thats not true, according to many studies including this one, everyone dreams.
That being said, I don't remember my dreams.

            Last night, I remembered my dream. I was on Titanic hanging out with Leonardo DiCaprio, we were watching Kate Winslet go on her very tippy-tip toes on the dance floor. I look around and see everyone enjoying themselves. Looking to a hopeful future. Enjoying life assuming tomorrow was going to be more of the same.

The next thing I remember was running around the ship trying to find a lifeboat, of which there were only 16, and as we all know, they just take up deck space anyway.

            But I wasn't concerned with trying to find a boat for myself, but instead I was trying to find people and talk to them, knowing that they are all going to die (except the 700 that made it in a lifeboat), I had to speak to them, for just one second. I had one message that I said over and over and over; "Do you know Jesus Christ?"

            I was in an alarmed state. Trying to get everyone, every single person, to understand the gospel. This was their last chance, their only chance. To know Him.

            What if we lived life like this? Knowing that there is a chance every single person you meet needs to know the creator before its to late. The culture is continuing to sink, there is no time left, life can be over in seconds, there is a huge sense of urgency for spreading the good news of the gospel.

          The dream continues...

          The people who quickly accept Christ join me, grabbing people who are crying and hysterical, forcing Jesus upon them knowing that in the end those who accept this message will be eternally grateful.

          I stopped. Things go in slow motion for the next scene.  Laying next to Jack and Rose as we look into the inevitable fact that we are all going down. I look around and see hundreds of people drowning. People I didn't talk to sooner. People I didn't reach out to. People I didn't even try to shake hands with. I recognize some from the earlier dance floor. I had the time to talk to them, I was just too scared, and now its too late.

It felt like the last scene in Schindler's List.

I never want to end my life having this sense of regret. Knowing I could have done more.
                         I hope you feel the same.

Lord Jesus,
      I pray that you give us a desire for desperation. A deep sense of urgency. A passion to share the wonderful news of Jesus Christ and the cross before its too late. Help us to step out of fear and step into love, for sharing your gospel is the most loving thing a person can do.