Friday, May 31, 2013

Asking brings More Questions

Asking brings More Questions

          Life is about moments.  Moments that we consider good enough to remember, that get our blood pumping, or make us come alive.  Moments that no picture or any amount of words can ever describe.  Do you know what I'm talking about?  It's the times where I just have to sit back and all I can really get out is a few words.  "God is Good" or "life is worth living" or something to that regard.  I probably sound like a sappy emotional writer that is going to talk about Love and marriage and babies and other things that tend to make the hearts of women flutter, but try to follow my thought process.  For some of us, these moments are often and easy to come by.  Things like sipping on a cup of coffee, or reading a good book, or listening to the perfect song.  These small moments jump us through life in a way that we get to enjoy it.   For some of us, these moments are harder to come by, usually needing a rush.  Jumping off cliffs, or skydiving, or surfing that huge wave.  In the Psychology world we tend to call these people type T-personality.  (According to a scholarly article published in the Journal of Personal Assessment in 1990 by Moorehouse, Type-T Personality can be defined as; "A personality trait referring to individual differences in simulation seeking, excitement seeking, thrill seeking, arousal seeking, and risk taking."  This basically just means that they are extreme in everything they do, these people also tend to be the ones that are easily addicted).  All that to say, I think I have the best of both worlds.  
          Last week was on Fear the Lord.  I think the biggest thing I took away was that we first must learn to Love the Lord, then we learn to fear the Lord.  Its a big thing that I've never really done before.  I mean, obviously I've heard it, but until last week, I didn't actually, truly, Fear the Lord.  Its almost like a second step in following Christ. A weird concept to try and grasp, but there is no other way that I can explain it.
          This week we went on a road trip, once again.  Started in Gold Coast which is known as surfers paradise.  We didn't surf, per-say, except with our bodies.  We got to camp about 100 feet away from the beach.  Something I've been wanting to do more of.  So amazing.  Then we shot over to Casino, which is just a small town inland from the coast.  It was amazing to spend the week out of lectures and just be able to live for Christ.  Its something that we talk about daily here but rarely get off base and actually 'do' because we're so busy with other things. 
          Nights at the beach were some of the best evenings yet.  We're all really close at this point so this brought interesting conversation.  For hours on end we stood on the beach with the sand between our toes and water up to our ankles and just chatting away. It was awesome. These are the moments that I'll remember.  The ones where I have to second guess myself and realize that this is real life.  All Glory to God.

In Him,

My friend Ronnie and I

Went on top of a Hotel and stole this Snapshot

Julia.  She's going to India with me. Beach Night

Keenan.  We cleaned up trash. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How Do You Explain The Unexplainable?

      This happens often right? And, we don't even realize it.  We use words like 'stuff' or 'thing' or the 'you know' or in Hawaii 'Dakine'.  Its a problem that people have, not being able to explain things, in a way that others can understand.  Heck, I even minored in communication and often have a hard time trying to explain things, ending with the ever popular term "you had to be there."  Well, all that to say, one of these extraordinary times happened just the other night, and its a night that changed my life forever.
      Lectures last week was all on Lordship.  Now by the use of google, you can quickly find out that it means "Supreme power or rule, the authority or state of being a lord." But if I were to break it down in one sentence, I would say; giving up everything to God and picking up your cross.  Its a simple idea, we talk about it a lot in the church.  Heck, I say it all the time in daily conversation.  But take a minute and really think about it.  Are you willing to give up everything to Christ? Like, having a car? a home? being near family? having friends? Its a simple thing to be able to say, but to actually walk out and do, its a scary thought.
     The end of the week came quickly, and I was nervous for it all week.  They call it a 'ministry' day, one way to look at it is "Holy Spirit Workshop."  Its really intense and is much different than anything I've ever experienced.  We went through a process, different steps, if you will.  Taking time to repent, to apologize to each other, give away some of our possessions, worship, a few got baptized, more worship, and pray for each other, and more worship.  Like I said, its hard to explain, but it was a life changing day.  For me personally, I laid down my passport, which represents my home, my family, everything I own.  Saying that I was ready to go out into the world as the call comes, which I'm starting to realize more and more my heart and call for missions.  I don't know when or where, but I want to give my life completely to Christ, even if that means moving half way around the world by myself.  "Here am I, send me."
    The time here is going so fast, I can't even keep up.  Everyday going faster then the one before.  It doesn't help that we're entering winter here and the sun is starting to set at 5:30.  But its crazy how fast its all moving, I feel like I've only been gone a few weeks, but we just started week 14! Only a few more weeks until outreach, and I can only assume my time in India is going to fly by also.  As I write this, my team and I are preparing worship for when we go to churches and need to run services.  Its a good thing I've been playing Djembe for the past few years, its a gift that I've been using regularly while here and only assume I'll use quite often while in India too.

More to come soon.

Chained to him,

Monday, May 13, 2013

Jokes on me

      Have you ever played a organized sport?  Any sport at all.  Ranging from Soccer to Rugby, or anything you can really think of, well, besides Cricket, that's a weird one.  But back to the sport thing.  In just about every sport that I've ever heard of, there's always some kind of half time; 7th inning stretch, end of the period, changing of sides, pit stop, line change, next round, and the like...  At this point in the game, you get a minute.  Could be heading back into the locker room with the whole team to hear the coach give some speech on how "we need to push through, fight, play as a team..." or could be going back to your own corner just to get a swig of water and a pat on the back.  But after only a few minutes, you're back into it feeling ready to go once again.  You know more then you did at the beginning of the game, you know how the opponent plays, you know how to use his own moves against him... Maybe that he can only dribble with his right hand, or that his first pitch is generally a ball, or that the team tries to push in on the right side every time.  You know how to counteract this, and you're ready for more.  Its the reset of the game.  It can even be a game changer.  That few minutes of rest can make all the difference in a game.
    That's where I am now.
     Its roughly half way through the DTS, things are getting harder no doubt, but that just means I'm forced to grow more.  I understand, now, what we do and why we do it.  But I'm so ready for more.  Last week we went back to Chinchilla, Its the place we went to the first weekend being in Australia, and this time we went without and electronics.  A pretty basic thing to give up, but man was it awesome.  We talked on Spiritual Warfare, and even though it was pretty basic stuff, it was deep and the Holy Spirit was moving in me in deep ways.  Some of it, I can't really explain, or, if I tried to, you would probably think I was a crazy person.  But at the end of the day, what I do know, is that the Bible is absolute truth and Jesus Loves me so much that he died for me.
    I've come to a point where I'm ready to start moving.  Ready to start making a difference, not only in my life, but in others lives.  In the lives of the lost.  I had a huge realization just the other day that I will have to give up things to follow God, everything in fact.  That might include my home.  I'm not saying that I'm called to missions, but I found that I have to be willing to lay down these things.  And God knows, I am willing. I took some time in the "locker room" and I'm ready.  I'm ready for the second half.  I'm refreshed and know how the game is played.  I'm ready to jump out in the name of Christ and fight the fight, finish the race, and keep the faith.
       Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who ill go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
     Put me in Coach.  I'm ready.

Chained to him,


Instagram: jeremyrobinson33
Twitter: JeremyR33


Brisbane at night.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A cup of coffee can change your life...

         It really depends on your company.  Actually, I would like to take that a step further, it depends on your topic of conversation, even further, it all depends on being able to listen.  If you have these three things, with a touch of wisdom and a focus of Jesus, basic conversation can very easily change your life on a daily occasion.  That being said, I had some really great conversations over coffee this weekend.  (Coffee, the Christian cocaine)

        This week was on relationships.  It was kind of cool being back at base and having a classroom and a bed and a kitchen.  Good break from the normal.  We talked about the different kind of relationships and being humble in them, but most of the week was about significant relationships.  "That special one that everyone is looking for, and now you're all looking around the room trying to find him/her..."  It was pretty funny.  It was really cool to look into some of the base leaders relationships and see what a God centered relationship looks like.  Its encouraging and I do appreciate the advice for the future.

      Honestly, the coolest part of this last week has been this weekend, which is just now ending.  Ronnie and I went on a weekend adventure as we finally had some time off from school activities.  We took a 3 hour train north to Sunshine Coast, which has another YWAM base that we got to stay at.  The main reason we went was to see Sean, who was a speaker that we had on the topic of "Hearing The Voice of God."  He was the one that broke some walls that I had up for a while.  Anyway, we headed up there, had a house to ourselves and got to just relax for a while.  We were able to borrow some surf boards and surf, well, really, I just fell a lot, but it was still a blast! The best part was sitting down to coffee with Sean, and hanging around with R(another leader from that base that spoke at our base).  I'm realizing more and more just how important moments like those are.

      I just let them talk for the most part, about the bible, about what its like to have a family, about going into full time missions.  Anything and everything.  I tried to just soak up wise words from guys who have been in my spot before.  Honestly, made me rethink about what my life is going to look like. I want to live radically for Jesus Christ, I want to give up my comforts and give everything I have to his name.  S and R are both guys who did that.  R is moving in two days to Africa with his wife and his three small children.  Things like this are what I think I'm called to do.

     That being said, I just want to thank all the people in my life who have poured into me.  Looking around I realize just how blessed I am.  We talked a little about families this week too and I realized again just how blessed I am to have the parents that I have.

     One of the other big things I'm learning this week is DTS... that is Die To Self.  We, as christian, are called to give up our lives completely for Christ.  This could mean, not making a name for ourselves in what we do daily, or doing acts of kindness when no one is watching, or doing the dirty job that no one wants to do, or the basics of opening a door for someone else.  Its a life style.  It is the lifestyle we should strive for.  Its a choice, daily and constant.  I am learning that I have to remind myself daily to choose to die to myself, I am nothing, He is everything.


Instagram: Jeremyrobinson33
Twitter: JeremyR33

Sean's coffee from Kai Coffee.

Ronnie.  At the house we stayed at for the weekend.

View from where we ate dinner. Yes, that's the ocean!

Long train rides!