Monday, January 28, 2013

A simple paper and pen can change your life.

First Time Bloggin'...

And I'll tell you what, I'm probably not very good at it, that being said, I've been journal-ing for years now.  You'll find out quickly that I don't know how to spell, I don't use proper grammar  and I often make typo's and won't return to them to fix the problem, even when that scary little red wavy line is under the word.  But, I started at an early age Journaling, and now people actually look to me for it, which is pretty cool.  In middle school, I had this teacher, named Mrs. Loomis.  She made us 'free-write' on a regular basis, at that age I didn't quite understand what it meant but I think it still worked.  I would write about problems, or friends, or happy moments and I can honestly say that it changed my life, because now, if I go more then a week without journaling, I'm angry and ticked off, and anxious.  So thank you, Mrs. Loomis, for doing something in my life that ending up being so good.
This is where I will stop for today, I can't imagine anyone is actually going to be reading these entries, but I thought I would start off with something simple, mostly so that I can get my formatting simple, well, that is, if I can figure out how to format.
Hopefully I can use this as a type of journal, but more then anything else, I want to encourage others through the things I say and post.  I always tell my students, "I'm an open book, I'll read you my journal if you'd like."  There has been a few times where students actually sit down with me and I just read to them about my life.  I don't understand the significance in it, but if it helps them to grow in Christ, then so be it.
On that note, Signing off.

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